Boot Camper Feature #2 - Xochitl | Xoo-chi

Side Hustler’s Boot Camp Student Feature #2 - Xochitl | Xoo-chi + Solana NFT creator

Like, Know, & Trust Yourself First

I always say Marketing 101 when building a magnetic personal brand is about generating:

  • Like: How can we get people to like you? (Sounds a bit egotistical, I know...)

  • Know: How do you let people get to know you?

  • Trust: How can you create trust with your audience?

However, I think before you obsess over trying to create what you think people want and expect from you...

It's more important that you first Like, Know, and Trust yourself.

You are the Secret Sauce!

Continually learning about you and how to communicate those pieces to the puzzle allows others to latch onto what you're doing over time.

This brings me to my friend Xochitl and her experience as a recent 3-Week Boot Camper.

(Shout out to ArtEnjoyoor and 21dao  for raffling off a scholarship that she ended up winning!)

Her native tongue isn't English and she strolled in the Q4 session lacking confidence and conviction when it came to talking about herself and her work...

If you come across her on Twitter today, it's a radically different story.

Here's a little snippet from her Boot Camp experience I think may inject a little spark into your creative pursuits...

Before joining the Boot Camp, my confidence level was very low compared to now.

My main obstacles were:

  • The language barrier with English.

  • Knowing with total certainty what I want for my creative journey (knowing myself).

  • Correctly communicating what I want to say.

The Q4 3-Week session was a life-changing experience.

Sharing knowledge, experiences, and personal moments with the whole family gave me a lot of confidence in myself and my art.

It not only helped me get rid of the fear of speaking another language that is not my native one...

But I also met many talented artists who inspire me every day.

I think my biggest win was knowing myself more than ever.

Being in front of a mirror, uncomfortable, vulnerable, and exploring myself at a new internal and personal level is something I had never felt before.

It truly is what I appreciate the most from this experience.

The weekly exercises had a very objective and clear purpose—each and every one of them was super useful.

In terms of the calls, my favorite part was the Wednesday Hot Seat 1:1 Coaching Sessions! :D

Every call was a moment of total vulnerability to talk about the struggles around our creative journey

I just want to thank you and the 21dao team for this life-changing opportunity that was granted to me thanks to you Scotty. <3

It is incredible that I've grown to know myself more in 3 weeks than I have in my entire life.

Thank you for making me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable—thank you for motivating me to push myself for my own good.

To be honest, I do feel like a totally renewed person—my mind is more clear as I continue working on my creative journey.

When it comes to sharing my art, I feel more confident. I know 100% that I have a lot of value and a lot to give to the world.

I still have moments of mental uncertainty, but when I identify them immediately and realize that I'm not them, they start to disappear.

I will continue working on my communication every day and writing down everything in my head as that's been really helpful.

With all my heart Scotty, THANK YOU!! :)) <3

Powerful stuff, right?

Here's a little message she sent to me shortly after our time working together...

These types of responses get immediately screenshot and put into my "motivation folder". ☺️

Xoo-chi DM Thanking Scotty For Bootcamp

What I've enjoyed seeing the most is Xochitl fearlessly experimenting with her art, sharing her story, talking about her work, and being an active member of the creative community.

She's recently found a lot of success in her latest abstract painting series called ' Rhythms .'

Which I became a proud owner of her latest release within it called ' A Bird's-Eye View .'

I believe the biggest takeaway in this is:

It's hard for people to truly connect with your work on a deep level...

If you don't connect with who you are within your work on a deep level.

Your creative business and art are a vessel to learn, grow, and become the best version of yourself within your process and experiences.

There's a reason why they call it a Personal Brand because this shit is personal.

Are you struggling to connect with who you are in your work...

While getting clear about WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and HOW you'll make it happen?

Consider enrolling today in an upcoming  3-Week Boot Camp .

Imagine the growth, traction, and clarity you could tap into simply by investing in yourself + committing to 21 days of change.

Not only will your business transform, but the relationships you'll build will carry far beyond our time together.

I'm looking for the next Xochitl to work with this session—is that you?


These 3-week quarterly Boot Camps (Jan., April, Aug., Nov.) provide you with step-by-step, year-round guidance, accountability, and support based on strategic topics to grow your creative biz.

These are for creatives, freelancers, content creators, and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to build their brand/biz creating work they love.

Expect challenging exercises, a private community, up to 3x weekly live calls + more.

Learn More about an upcoming session and Join the Waitlist.


Boot Camper Feature #3 - Marc Palardy


Boot Camper Feature #1 - Rich Herrmann