What Are You Struggling With?



A Note To Myself

To say my life is perfect is a far stretch from reality.I've messed up so many times. I've doubted myself so many times.Sharing my struggles is something I’ve had a hard time doing my entire life. I’m the type of person to bottle up my emotions and suppress them. My game face got to be pretty good and the only person I really felt comfortable and safe talking to was Emily, who I’m now lucky and blessed to call my wife.I never felt truly secure with my identity. I questioned all my decisions, my goals, my talents and my purpose. I’ve been lost for the longest time, but no one would know as I was so upbeat and encouraging to others.No one knew the pain I was going through.I had a knack for making others feel good about themselves, yet I couldn’t use this ability on myself. I felt like I was broken.This all changed when I started writing and putting my thoughts and pain into words and drawings.I’ve been blogging for awhile now, the first week of June 2015 to be exact. It’s been a massive learning experience as I never saw myself as a writer.I originally wanted to blog so I could position myself as an influencer. I wanted people to perceive me as an expert so this could open doors of opportunity to further reach my goals and progress my career.It’s funny how it has evolved into so much more than that.Since I’ve started writing, my overall purpose of why I write has shifted. I’ve grown to love writing as it has transformed into a secondary creative outlet outside of drawing and lettering. It's a new way to express myself.This blog has blossomed into a platform where I can share my struggles and pain instead of caging them up in me like I have done for over 20+ years. I can stream my ideas and experiences while using art to visually enhance my story. This vulnerability and transparency I’ve shared with the world has shown me a side of me that I didn’t know existed.As I continue to be transparent with my writing, I continually gain clarity in who I am and what my purpose is. I’ve grown to appreciate and understand my identity, principles and values. This profound sense of self-understanding continues to evolve and shape the content I share with you weekly.Every piece of encouraging or even blunt content that I post is subconsciously a message to myself. The words aren’t meant to come off as me preaching from a pedestal. I’m far from perfect and this is more advice to myself than directed towards you.I struggle with so many things and am constantly fighting inner battles daily.

  • I want to be great, yet I am impatient and expect overnight success.

  • I want to be loved, wanted and needed; but have grown to realize the only opinion of me that really matters is the opinion I think of myself.

  • I want to know that that what I’m doing in life matters to others when it should really only matter to me. This will eventually help me attract the right audience.

  • I want to make a difference in peoples lives, but I’ve needed to focus on fixing myself first. I need to be selfish in order to be selfless.

I am an open book and these blog posts I share with you are ways to vent to myself, almost like a journal. Hopefully my words are resonating with some of you as you may struggle with the same issues as I.When I started writing, I felt cheesy and trite. I was forcing the words instead of speaking how I felt. The growth became rapid when I let go of my inhibitions and spoke what was on my mind.It allowed me to find myself when I didn’t know who I was.I am now able to lead through a secure identity and it is the most freeing feeling I’ve ever experienced.At this very moment, I know who I am.At this very moment, I appreciate what I have and where I am in life.At this very moment, I know where I want to be and I believe I understand how to get there.

My Mission Is To Serve

I know who I am and what I'm supposed to do.My purpose is to help others find their identity and overcome adversity so they can live the life they desire and create things they are passionate about.

Zig Ziglar stated, “In order to get to where you want to be in life, you have to help others get to where they want to be."

These words have had a significant impact on me and I believe in them with my entire existence. Looking back on life, every time something good has happened to me, it generally always stemmed from me helping someone else. Specifically in the past 2 years, my focus has been using my art to help and inspire others. Ironically, in the past 2 years, I have seen the most growth, success and fulfillment than I ever have in my life.I've discovered that I'm good at helping people.I'm good at pushing people to do things before they are ready because I know they are capable of achieving whatever goal they have in mind. I simply believe in them before they are able to believe in themselves and sometimes we all just need to hear someone tell us that.I care and am able to see your potential.Helping others was and continues to work. When you continue to do more of what works, the path in front of you becomes clearer. Your purpose becomes obvious and your sense of direction is heightened. You know what you need to do and how to do it.My path is clearer than it's ever been. It's almost scary.That’s where the intentions of this post come into play. I’ve dedicated my blog to helping people like you who are struggling with the everyday issues of life. Many of you are aspiring creatives who are unsure of your purpose and feel lost. I’ve been there and there were days I felt like quitting and giving up. I played a victim of my circumstances and focused on things I couldn’t control.This does not have to be you.

A Message To You

I want this blog to transition into focusing solely on what your struggles are and how I can share and teach my experiences in dealing with the same adversities.In order to do this, I am giving you a call to action to contact me directly via email on my contact form.I want you to:

  • Share with me the things that are weighing on your mind

  • Share with me the things that you are afraid of

  • Share with me what's holding you back from taking action

  • Share with me your lack of purpose and identity

By sharing your struggles, you allow me to guide this blog and future content into the right direction. The things you are struggling with could also relate to many others who are in the same boat as you.By sharing your struggle, you could be helping others all over the world.My newsletter members will always have the easiest and first access to me and I’d be honored to capture your direct attention as well. However, many of you may not feel comfortable in doing this so you can write me an email personally if you’d like. I respect your decisions and would like to extend my help to you as well.We all have a gift. We all have a purpose. What you do and who you are matters. My mission is to help you find your gift so you can show the world your talents.So get in touch with me and let me help you. You don't have to do this alone.-If you have found value in this post, you can share this or join my weekly newsletter. As a member, you have direct access to me for questions and advice. Your input will allow me to keep these post focused solely on delivering you value on the pressing issues you struggle with the most. My mission is to help and grow along with you.


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