The Value of Self-Discipline: Are You Taking Advantage?



The Benefits of Self-Discipline

Society brain washes us to expect instant results with little effort in everything we do;

  • ”Whiten your teeth in 24 Hours!”

  • “Lose 25lbs in 2 weeks with NO DIETING!”

  • “Make $10,000 in 1 month working from home!”

Of course you want to see the results, but are you willing to pay the price?

Many of us are blinded about the long term growth we can attain from practicing self-discipline. It is difficult to see the benefits when we are stuck in the mindset of expecting instant gratification.

Self-discipline really buckles down to a choice. We have the choice to do whatever we want in life. We never truly have to do anything, but we do have to deal with the consequences of our choices.

I feel there is a lot to discuss with discipline so I’m going to break it into two discussions.

For those of you who have a hard time visualizing the long game, this week will focus on the benefits of self-control over time. Next week will focus on the steps of integrating self-discipline and breaking your bad habits.

The benefits of self-discipline are expressed in a variety of ways and can apply to like-minded, creative entrepreneurs:

  1. Maintaining focus

  2. Building inner strength

  3. You'll always have something to show for it

  4. It becomes a thing you just do

I personally feel these four characteristic have been imperative towards any ounce of success I’ve had since I’ve began my journey.

1. Maintaining Focus

It requires exponential amounts of self-control to be able to put all your time and energy towards an objective without being side tracked by shiny object syndrome.

Shiny object syndrome is seeing or doing something that engages your interest but isn't relevant to your current goals. It's partaking in something that will not benefit you at that moment in time.

These days, focus and time are scarce. The amount of distractions that are pulling us in opposite directions are at an all time high and with the advancement of technology and social media, I don’t predict it will ever slow down.

This is why we must focus on our discipline. When we commit to making good habits and keeping ourselves accountable, maintaining that focus towards the overall goal becomes easy. It becomes a part of your routine.

It’s funny how many things go hand in hand in the world of personal improvement. The more you focus on your discipline, the more your discipline will feed your focus. They feed off each other.

F. Following

O. One

C. Course

U. Until

S. Successful

When you’re focused, procrastination and laziness are thrown out the window as you become more punctual, dependable and proactive. All the traits that were once weaknesses are quickly erased and replaced with stronger ones.

You’re road towards success is fueled by the way you dictate your decisions. You’ll subconsciously use your internal blinders as you navigate this path through obstacles and road blocks.

Your focus and determination will guide you and your discipline will magnify your focus.

2. Builds Inner Strength

I know you've experienced those days when:

  • you just don’t feel good about who you are.

  • you are lacking a purpose.

  • you want to give up and quit.

I've experienced them all multiple times and I want you to know that you don't have to!

When you harness the power of self-discipline, you build on your inner strengths and you become mentally stronger. These thoughts of self-doubt arise less frequently.

People with fragile minds are the ones who give into the feelings of being a victim. They believe that there are uncontrollable, outside sources that are inflicting these causes of pain and self-doubt. They let the things that are outside of their circle of influence and control determine their life.

They are not the creative force in their domain. They do not control their decisions.

Discipline teaches you to follow through with your decisions, without second guessing yourself because you are building your confidence and self-esteem along the way. Your newly found focus is yielding results which makes you start to see and think about yourself in a different light.

You are able to face yourself in the mirror and like the person you see. Sure we all have flaws, but you are a strong individual and you have a purpose here on this earth.

We were all given a gift. Maybe you haven’t found it yet or maybe you have but you’re not seeing the results or benefits from it yet. With self-discipline, we are able to block out that urge for instant gratification and are able to persevere and show up everyday.

Perseverance is a strong trait we are all able to tap into. It’s a quality that many feel incapable of possessing as it’s easier to quit then to face hardships.

It allows you to react proactively towards your responsibility; which is your ability to respond to uncontrollable circumstances favorably. It's our responsibility to use our ability to respond appropriately.

How we respond to adversity and hardships will allow us to keep pushing forward and build on our inner strength.

"The true test of character is how we respond to adversity." - Coach Rick Willis



3. It’s Just a Thing That I Do

Self-discipline enables us to continue to do what is necessary even when we don’t feel like it. It establishes consistency and commitment while silencing that complaining voice in your head.

A hobby is when you do what you love whenever you get the urge. Professionals do what they have to do even when they don’t feel like it. You must take action and do it when it’s not convenient.

For example, it’s 4:30 a.m. as I write this. My body is aching. It feels like I got hit by a truck and I can hardly keep my eyes open as I type.

My coffee is useless. Usually I can trick my mind into thinking that I’m not tired which will in turn wake my body up.

The trick isn’t working today…

I’m physically and mentally drained, but you know what? I’ve made a commitment to you and myself and I hold myself accountable. These are the mornings that I scheduled blocks of time for writing. It’s not a matter of thinking, it is just a thing that I do. It’s a habit I’ve formed over time.

That’s what separates the old Scotty who was creative when he felt like it instead of the present me who treats himself as a professional.

When you’re disciplined to show up everyday, the tasks you were reluctant to do just become something natural within your routine. You schedule around these things because they are just something that needs to get done. There are no time for questions or excuses.

"Discipline is remembering what you want." - David Campbell

What are some of the things in your life that you currently do that you don’t realize are just part of your routine? Are these things benefiting your lifestyle and helping you reach your goals or are they detrimental? Think about that as you continue reading and on into next weeks post.

There will be times of sacrifice when you will miss out on things like going out on the weekends or not getting to sleep in. These are the moments when you remind yourself why you are doing this and tell yourself , "This is just a thing that I do."

This is self-discipline and these sacrifices will reward you.

4. You'll Always Have Something to Show for It

When you make the choice to practice self-discipline and invest in yourself, you will always have something to show for it.

I stress how when you see results, it becomes an addiction. This applies to everything that requires self-control.

When you consistently practice the habit of showing up, you slowly start to see results whether it’s internal or external. Those results continue to build momentum as your perception of your self-image begins to change. Soon, others begin to take notice as you attract people to the positive changes you’ve been making with yourself.

All that hard work you’ve invested is paying off and you have something to show for it. Not to mention the work you are performing on yourself begins to inspire others to do the same.

A great example is an individual who has always drawn since they were little. They really only did it when they felt like it but man, they really loved it and were held captive as they created.

They continued to draw here and there and one day figured out that deep inside it may be something they want to pursue. They begin to show up everyday practicing self-discipline and slowly forming good habits.

The improvement isn’t instantaneous, but is gradual. Maybe a month or so in they start to see some growth. 3–6 months in they really start seeing a difference. Their thinking begins to change as they begin to take their craft more seriously. Two years go by and their life is completely changed, all from showing up and staying focused.

That’s when other people start to recognize and realize what’s going on. They see the hard work being put in and see the strides the artist has made in their artwork. They may even mention your self-improvement is noticeable and that my friends is when the addiction starts.

Ironically, the fore mentioned example is a brief summary of what happened to me. Every month that I decided to keep showing up, I had something progressively greater to show for it. Every day, every week and every month I see improvement and that keeps me hungry to build on my self-discipline.

The Choice is Yours

We all have a choice. A choice on what we chose to partake in, how we respond, and what we feed our minds.

Self-discipline is a choice and isn’t for those who expect immediate results. This is about establishing sustainability towards the long game and building momentum as we reach our objectives.

Key Takeaways:

  • We have the choice to do whatever we want

  • The more you focus on your discipline, the more your discipline will feed your focus

  • Focus breeds punctuality, dependability and productiveness

  • You become mentally stronger

  • You gain confidence, self esteem and perseverance

  • It becomes a thing you just do

  • You'll have plenty to show from it

This week I want you to ask yourself,

How do I want to feel?”

What benefits will self-discipline grant me towards the long game?”

These questions will help you going into next weeks post on how to integrate self-discipline into your routine and break the bad habits.

If you have found value in this post, you can share this or join my weekly newsletter. If you have any questions or topics you’d like me to address, please feel free to email me directly as I’d love to hear from you so I can continue to deliver you value.


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