PP 204: Be a Turtle & Embrace the 3 Benefits of a Slow & Steady Grind


Embrace the Slow & Steady Grind

We all know the story of the Turtle and the Hare, right?

I want you to remember, more specifically, how the Turtle took his sweet ass time and still won the race.

I know...it’s technically a Tortoise. But IMO, turtles are way more fun and interesting (because I like Turtles).

Let me make my point…doesn’t Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoises sound awkward AF and super lame? My point exactly.

Today, I’m here to convince you to embrace your inner turtle. I’m sharing 3 benefits of taking the slow and steady turtle pace along your creative path.

Then I’ll top off this turtle sundae with some bonus tips. That way we can hasten your pace to more quickly reach the end of your race.

So get out of your shell and get ready to soak up these 3 Benefits of a Slow and Steady Turtle Grind.

Benefit #1: Mindset

In today’s society, the turtle is surrounded by hares. Hares tend to buy into a lie that there’s a hack or a cheat code for overnight viral results. They believe, if they cut corners, they can get instant results to win their race.

But what you REALLY need is the mindset of a turtle.

Accepting the slow and steady grind means you’ve embraced the pursuit of something important to you...even though you can’t predict what the results of your effort will be.

It’s the ever-evolving transformation process of going from Hobbyist to Professional.

The turtle:

  • Shows up when it’s not convenient, yet knows the importance of self-care and rest along the way.

  • Understands that to get what it’s always wanted, it has to be willing to change old behaviors and take massive, uncomfortable action.

  • Accepts that failure is a vital part of the process for growth, clarity, and confidence.

  • Knows that haters, doubters, and naysayers will try to sabotage its spirits (but that shit will repel right off its shell).

The only option in a turtle’s mindset is to survive, thrive, and keep pushing forward.

Benefit #2: Faith

Once in a while, it’ll appear like hares find success cutting corners. This may be true…

But a turtle has faith (whether in religion, the Universe, or in itself) that, if it continues to work toward the results it’s seeking, that the turtle will slowly but surely see results.

The turtle knows it has to stay active and open to the signs and omens letting the turtle know it’s on the right path.

This faith is extra important when the turtle is in a funk and having to eat a shit storm sandwich.

The slow and steady grind means the turtle can stay available for new and unexpected opportunities and relationships to cross its path.

It trusts the process and stays the course knowing that its efforts, energy, and time will be worth it in the long run.

Benefit #3: Patience

Ahhhh patience, a rare noun that a hare can hardly comprehend…

A turtle knows the power of patience, persistence, and delayed gratification because these lead to consistency, momentum, and breakthroughs.

It gives itself a permission slip to not have it all figured out overnight. It realizes that good things take time to evolve and grow before it can reap the rewards of its efforts.

The slow and steady grind allows the turtle to experience less stress and take more calculated risks (outside of their shell waxing day job),

Most importantly, patience allows the turtle to cultivate killer and insanely impactful relationships along the way.


Ok, hopefully you’re sold on the 3 big benefits that come with taking the slow and steady turtle grind.

Now, let’s add 3 ways to hasten your turtle pace.

(Picture a turtle on a motorized scooter for this section.)

Tip #1: Snack on the Right Snacks

On your creative path, you gotta properly fuel up for the long race—and that means lots of snacks.

In terms of you and your creative pursuits, you gotta be hella intentional in terms of what you’re consuming.

Let's start with the obvious, but eating like shit (as well as sleeping like shit) isn’t going to provide your body with the proper fuel to excel within your creative work.

I’m learning that proper self-care starts in the kitchen. Then you can stack it with working out, meditation, and any other practice that helps you kick ass in life and business.

Other good snacks include helpful information on important topics. I’m talking about terrific topics that stimulate growth and align with the results you’re seeking.

E.g., Audiobooks, Podcasts, Courses, Webinars, Conferences, Workshops, etc.

You can’t complain about not seeing results if you:

  • Eat like shit and are always tired.

  • Binge TV Series or play video games 4+ hours a day.

  • Hang around negative influences who don’t feed the dream.

Snack on the right snacks.

Tip #2: Find Your Community

It’s extremely hard to thrive when you’re rolling solo.

I can’t stress enough about the power of finding a community of like-minded people.

AKA, get yourself a gang of turtles you can cause constructive chaos with.

Community gives you a safe place to:

  • Share your work

  • Bounce ideas off others

  • Get support

As well as a place to:

  • Seek advice without being judged.

  • Find accountability and momentum.

  • Understand you’re not alone with whatever demon(s) you’re dealing with.

P.S. This is why I created the FREE The Perspective-Collective Community on Facebook because I know what being isolated feels like, and I don’t want that for anyone.

Note: A step-above community could be some form of Mastermind (generally paid or exclusively invited to). This is a collective of high-level, hyper-focused souls who regularly meet and have insanely deep, powerful, and impactful conversations with each other.

Tip #3: Seek Out Guides

If a turtle really wants to pick up the pace and experience rapid, transformational growth that hares could only dream of, then it needs to seek out a guide.

Guides are the ultimate cheat codes. Think of them as a high-powered GPS device outlining instructions, directions, snacks to consume, etc. along the way.

From personal experience, when I hired my first coach, I saw more results in one year than in my previous 5 years combined (even with a community behind me).

A guide, in the form of a mentor, coach, etc., has experienced the race that you’re running.

Their job is to:

  • Reduce the guesswork.

  • Provide direction.

  • Ask hard questions.

  • Deliver empowering support and feedback.

  • Help you bypass hurdles along the way. 

These guides will help you create the results you’re seeking in a more efficient and effective way.

I highly recommend seeking out a guide well before you ever think you’re ready...because you’ll never feel ready.

Yes, it can be a scary investment, as good coaches aren’t cheap.

But it’s well worth every penny for the rapid results you’ll get instead of constantly scavenging under every rock seeking the right information.

Personally, I’m a coach who’ll always have a coach whether for my business or for fitness/nutrition/training. I want transformative results to grow more quickly, and I realized it’s extremely hard to do that on my own.

P.S. If you’re looking for a coach, community, and accountability in one, you can officially apply for the Side Hustler’s Coaching Program (2/23 - 3/2). If you’re seeing this post-launch, you can still join the waitlist for future program updates!

Be a Turtle

There are tons of benefits to being a turtle and taking the path of the slow and steady grind.

The mindset, faith, and patience you’ll gain over time are just a few of the perks talked about today.

Don’t waste your time, energy, efforts, and even cash on investing in shitty hacks and promises that our society of hares try to sell you.

Doing things the right way leads to big results and longevity doing the shit you love on your own terms.

That’s what it’s all about.

Be a turtle and keep pushing forward.

Best Deals on top Design Resources

G.A.R.M. Co. - Use PIZZA20 for 20% OFF premium courses, brushes, textures, and fonts. Shop here.

Engaged Community Guide - A FREE guide for growing an audience around you and your work. Download here.

Happy Money Course - Generate passive income by transforming your artistic passion into a digital product. Enroll here.

The Lettering Pricing Handbook - A handbook and video series helping letterers get paid their worth. Purchase here.

Lauren Hom’s Classes - Use PERSPECTIVE10 for 10% OFF Lauren’s premium classes. Shop here.

Design Cuts - Download your FREE Ever-Expanding design resources bundle pack. Download here.

Note - These are affiliates meaning a small portion of your purchase goes back into supporting the growth of the podcast.



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