Student Spotlight Series #1 - Trev El Viz


Meet Trev El Viz

What’s going on, I’m Coach Scotty Russell…

I’m a full-time Coach for Web 2 + Web 3 creatives and I side hustle my own art in the rapidly evolving NFT space.

I’m starting this ongoing Student Spotlight Blog + Instagram Live Series because I want to:

  1. Flex the incredible wins my students are stacking in the world.

  2. Reveal the adversity they’ve overcome and/or are currently navigating in their day-to-day.

  3. Showcase how they persistently show up like creative professionals who take their shit seriously.

This first session highlight’s my student making savage moves in Ireland, Trev Coulahan AKA Trev El Viz—a Web 3 NFT artist + muralist slayin’ work all the way from Ireland.

Note: Don't worry ya'll, we're not “killing the planet”—we're on Solana, a green, carbon-neutral blockchain. 🌱

Trev and I started working together in my Q1 3-Week Boot Camp back in January (learn more about quarterly Boot Camps here).

We then went deeper down the rabbit hole when he then joined my 12-Week Spring Coaching Program (learn more about Fall + Spring Programs here.)

And currently, we continue to work together in my Monthly Alumni Mastermind (available for graduates of my 12-week programs).

You have 2 ways you can soak up this interview:

  1. Watching the Instagram Live full interview below where he expands on the 7 questions I’ve asked him

  2. Read the Blog Post 7-Questions-based interview further down this page.

Instagram Live Interview

Click to watch the full interview of Trev El Viz.


7 Questions Interview

1. Tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do, and why we should care?

I'm Trev El. Viz, a visual artist + muralist from Ireland, creating in the NFT space & the physical world.

I make bold, bright, colorful artworks centered around alternative and lowbrow culture.

I take inspiration from an array of sources including heritage & identity, 90s cartoons, surrealism, punk & pop culture.

My work is for like-minded misfits & fans of pop culture who enjoy an entertaining visual escape that goes against the grain of what is considered 'traditional art'  

Analog Nights Series by Trev El Viz

Analog Nights Series

2. Before we started working together, where were you at with your work, confidence, and direction?

My confidence was at an all-time low—I was directionless. 

I had a lot of shiny object symptoms.

I was taking on any and every type of job offered to me, completely changing styles without any consistency, cohesiveness, or intentional plan. 

3. What was was your top 1-3 biggest hurdles you’ve had to work hardest on to overcome—and what are some lingering blind spots you’re continually improving on?

Scheduling has always been tough for me. I definitely suffer from some form of ADD as I find it incredibly hard to stay focused on any task. 

Learning to schedule and being intentional through the 12-week Spring Program was groundbreaking. 

I can now measure & properly prioritize tasks to actually get work done. 

I was also juggling multiple styles & progressing non of them. 

Tapping into my journey & personal story really helped me find what set me on fire.

I’m now creating the kind of art I’d being making if no one was looking. 

Marketing and putting myself out there has also always been a struggle.

I’ve always tried to stay in the shadows and did little to no promotion or marketing. 

I felt that it wasn’t my place to promote cause I’m an artist, and real artists don’t promote or market—the work “should” speak for itself. 

What a stupid attitude to have.

I’ve learned that just because you make good art doesn’t guarantee you’ll be successful. 

You’re a business at the end of the day, and you need to behave as such. 

I learned how important it is to put myself out there and promote myself AND my art.

It’s uncomfortable for me but the results speak for themselves. 

Not only have I sold everything I’ve minted on the blockchain in the Solana ecosystem…

But I’ve made meaningful connections with other creatives and collectors along the way. 

Trev El Viz Exchange Art Analog Nights NFT Collection

Exchange Art Analog Nights NFT Collection

4. What was the defining moment of getting fed up AND/OR waking up to start taking your shit seriously?

I was freelancing as an illustrator pretty much hating every job I was doing—it was dull work with no creative freedom. 

I was getting so bored to the point I stopped taking on client work and started bartending & tour guiding. 

I needed to change something—if I’m not enjoying illustrating, I need to re-skill in a different field and find a new career. 

Creating art is all I do, I knew I’d be miserable if I came it up, so I decided to make it work. 

That’s when I reached out to Scotty. 

5. What have been your biggest wins this year that we can celebrate?

I’m in love with creating art again. 

I’ve been onboarded to Web3 and Solana NFTs after wanting to get involved in the scene for over a year:

  • I completed my first NFT collection, ‘Analog Nights,’ and sold every piece with a total volume of 65.69 (current value of ~$2,300). 🤯

  • I recently kicked off my 2nd series, ‘Beyond the Valley of Springfield,’ where my 1st piece sold for 68.81 (current value of ~$2,500). 🤯🤯

  • The amount I’ve earned from my NFT art easily covered my investment in the 12-week coaching program! 🤯🤯🤯

I’ve been interviewed 3 times already:

  1. Side Hustler’s Perspective Podcast Ep. 251

  2. Sol City Radio — Rise Before Grind Web 3 Show

  3. Scotty’s Student Spotlight IG Live Series.

I’m finishing an exclusive airdrop to my holders for investing in me and my first series.

I’m working on my 2nd signature series: Beyond the Value of Springfield.

I’ve made dozens of meaningful connections with people all over the world. 

I’m also getting offers for freelance work that’s in line with my style and what I do. 

Beyond the Value of Spring Solana NFT Collection by Trev El Viz

Beyond the Value of Spring Solana NFT Collection by Trev El Viz

6. What was your biggest highlight/takeaway from working together this year?

Personally, I’d been trying for a while to figure out a style I wanted to pursue & develop. Nothing was feeling right. 

The exercises you asked me to do, at the time felt a little pointless but ultimately they really helped me figure out what was my authentic self with regard to my art. 

I think that’s invaluable. 

7. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone who’s dealing with the same struggles as your past self?

Figure out your authentic self, and just be yourself.  

Make the work that you truly love regardless if it’s popular or not. 

You’ll feel better about yourself and your art. 

Note: Make sure to show Trev some love and connect with him if you found this helpful.

I’m always looking for the next Trev to make moves with, if that’s you, learn how we can work together below. 👇🏻

Let’s Work Together 🤝

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The 3-Month Side Hustler’s Coaching Program is meticulously designed to help you get serious about what you want while giving you the tools to get there.

You'll get direct daily/weekly access to me within an intimate, yet intense setting that surrounds you with 6-10 creative souls.

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12-Week Side Hustler's Coaching Program for Creatives hosted by Coach Scotty Russell

Student Spotlight Series #2 - Charlie Jeffery-King